Project Description

Philip Cartelli

Portrait of Philip Cartelli

FSC-Harvard Fellow 2013-14, 2015-16

Philip Cartelli is a PhD candidate in social anthropology with a secondary field in critical media practice. His current project, Promenade, parallels his dissertation research on the changing uses and significations of a public space on the Marseille waterfront. Treading the boundary between nonfiction film and video installation, Promenade is at once an exploration of a particular place and its denizens as well as an interrogation of cinematic time and space.

FSC Works


Philip Cartelli, 31 min. (2016)

“Promenade: the word refers to the action as well as its setting. Here, it consists of a place known as ‘J4,’ a seafront terrace by the MuCEM and its famous architecture. Sequences after sequences, with attentive, precise, remote still frames, and not without a slight touch of humor, Philip Cartelli creates pictures like small paintings humming with a crowd of tourists, visitors, strollers. Seascapes of our time.” -Nicolas Feodoroff, FID-MARSEILLE

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