Project Description

Medhin Paolos

Portrait of Medhin Paolos

FSC-Harvard Fellow 2018-19

Medhin Paolos is filmmaker, photographer, musician and social justice activist. Her first film Asmarina (2015), which she co-directed with Alan Maglio, depicts the presence of the habesha community in the city of Milan through the collective memories of the community recorded in personal archives through photograph, music and stories. For ten years (1999-2009) Paolos was part of the folk-electronic band Fiamma Fumana. Paolos is the co-founder of the Milano chapter of Rete G2 (Second Generation Network), a national organization that promotes the human and civic rights of children of immigrant in Italy. Currently, she is conceptualizing an educational platform for bringing forth a plurality voices, histories, and cultures to the forefront through media artistic interventions.