Project Description

Jessica Sarah Rinland

Portrait of filmmaker Jessica Sarah Rinland

FSC-Harvard Fellow 2017-18, 2018-19, 2021-22, 2022-23, 2023-24

Jessica Sarah Rinland is an Argentine-British filmmaker. She is a recipient of numerous prizes including Special Mention at Locarno Film Festival and Best Film at DocumentaMadrid for Those That, at a Distance, Resemble Another, 2019, Primer Premio at BIM – Bienale de Imagen en Movimiento for Black Pond, 2018, Arts + Science Award at Ann Arbor Film Festival, for Adeline for Leaves, 2014 and Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Schnitzer prize for excellence in the arts in 2017. Her work has been exhibited at University of Tennessee’s Downtown Gallery, Southwark Park Galleries, London, Taipei Biennial, Somerset House and Bloomberg New Contemporarie. She has had retrospectives of her films at Anthology Film Archives, NYC, Doc’s Kingdom, Aricadoc, Eureka Film Festival, Curtocircuito, London Short Film Festival, and Flaherty Film Seminar. During her fellowship, Rinland will be working on Monólogo Colectivo, a project which explores notions of care and captivity from the perspective of Maca, a zookeeper who works between various zoos in Argentina. While she navigates the institutions, questions arise about mutating concepts of conservation and current changes occurring in the zoos as they are converted into eco and bioparks.

FSC Works

Film Still from Those That, at a Distance, Resemble Another

Those That, at a Distance, Resemble Another

Jessica Sarah Rinland, 67 min. (2019)

With an elephant’s ivory tusk as the protagonist, Those That, at a Distance, Resemble Another meditates upon the endless tactility of museological and ecological conservation, inviting reflection upon forms of representation, replicas, and embodiments of various materials, disciplines, and institutions.

Film Still from Monologo Colectivo

Monólogo Colectivo

Jessica Sarah Rinland

Monólogo Colectivo explores notions of care and captivity from the perspective of Maca, a zookeeper who works between various zoos in Argentina. While she navigates the institutions, questions arise about mutating concepts of conservation and current changes occurring in the zoos as they are converted into eco and bioparks.

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